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Hello America

Dear America,

I wonder if you can hear me. I'm not one who has ever used my voice out loud in this manner. IN some areas I have felt like I was protected, but I now know that this is not the case. I'm not safe. Neither are my children, especially my boys. What I can't understand is why, though. Why are we the enemy? Why do you see us as evil? Why do you equate the color of my skin not with the richness of the culture with which we represent, but as something to be feared, put down, or eradicated? My music and arts are enough to be gentrified, accepted...taken and absorbed into more acceptable cultures while I am forced to look through the window at all of the white people having a great time rapping our songs, snapping off our poetry, or commenting on the poignancy of our paintings. Why must I be afraid when I see officers of the law riding behind me? Why does my speed automatically drop 10 miles per hour? Why is jogging while black a crime? Or driving while black? Or purchasing while black? Or struggling to breath while black? Or sleeping in my bed at night with my family while black? Why is looking like someone else who is black a crime?

And see, what I know can sometimes contradict what I see. You know, America, I was at Wal-Mart the other day, and I watched a white woman videoing a Black man having a loud verbal altercation with a white Wal-Mart associate. When she looked behind her and saw me walking, I've never seen a person run so fast into a store. What gives, America? I've lived among white people who love me. Hispanic too. People who know me. Who would fight for my family if we were ever in trouble. I've also seen some of those that I worship with express opinions about my people that made me cry and question the truth of that expressed love. Why can't it be easy? Why can't I live? Why do you seem to be intent on me dying? Have I wronged you so much? Is our Constitution a lie? Do we not hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal? Yes! All lives matter. Blue lives. Red lives. But here is the thing, Black Lives Matters is not threatening to anybody. It simply represents a call for help. It is a cry to pay attention to what is happening to us. It is a jarring alarm asking see what is happening and the effect that it is having on all of us. Yep. All of us. When one culture suffers, the whole world suffers. We are connected, whether you want it like that or not.

I love you, America. I love the ideals that you represent. I love the people who inhabit your lands. Despite the black marks across your history, I know that what we have in you in something special. I know that police officers in general are protectors and servants. I love that there are people of all cultures that I see as family and friends. I know that we can be better. But America, I need you to acknowledge that there is a problem. And it starts with saying some names.

Say. Them.

Ahmaud Avery

Breona Taylor

Atatiana Jefferson

Trayvon Martin

Freddie Gray

Sam Dubose

Philando Castille

Terence Crutcher

Alton Sterling

Jamar Clark

Tamir Rice

Eric Garner

Michael Brown

Sandra Bland

and there are hundreds more that never make the newspaper or the news broadcasts.

America, this is not me asking for special treatment. I'm not asking for clemency for crimes committed. I'm asking that you see me, see US, as equal. As worthy. As citizens. As people. As God's creation, just like everybody else. We deserve that much! Don't fear us! Get to know us. Banish your stereotypes and generalizations and come across the lines to see who we are apart from Jay-Z, Drake, and Beyonce. Instead of grabbing for our culture. embrace US. Don't tell us to go back to Africa if we disagree with you, because THIS IS OUR HOME TOO!!! We have a right to disagree. We can still love each other through it.

Isn't that the ideal you were founded on in the first place?

I'll say this last thing and be done. The last few weeks, I have seen not just Black people who disagree with you, America. I've watched people of all colors, races, cultures, and ethnic groups speaking out against you. They want to see my sons grow up too, just like I want to see their sons grow up. Don't you get it? We only win when we all win. Anything less diminishes all of us.

And leads to my extinction.


All of US

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