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Carpe Diem

Just a few moments ago, I was reading in the book “Dream Big” by my spirit animal, Bob Goff, and he wrote something that is simple, yet profound. He simply said,

“Don’t keep your ideas stuck in your head.”

That’s it. That’s the sentence, yet it is more than that. It is the continual, constant, certain formula of my life. I have written and forgotten more songs that I could hope. I have written more poems and forgotten them. I have had more ideas come to my head that have left my head because they stayed only in my head. I didn’t write them down. I didn’t bother to explore them. I just left them there to explode and rot in the safe confines of a space where nobody would ever judge me for that idea being silly, to that song sucking, or that poem being less than. I’ve wasted so much. I haven’t properly been a steward of what God blessed me with. So you see, that simple sentence is incredibly convicting, yet it is also hopeful.

So now I’m wondering what it would look like if my ideas weren’t only stick in my head. What kind of things would I do? What kinds of opportunities would I accept, or what kind of opportunities would I create? As I am typing this, an absolutely absurd idea has come to my head, and I think I’m going to actually take Bob’s advice on this.

When I wrote my book, “Slaying the Lion” (Find it on Amazon, or my website), the idea for the book came from pastor Mark Batterson at National City Church in D.C. His book, ”Chase the Lion” freed me to really think about what it would look like for me to quit saying that I wanted to write a book and instead just do it. At the same time, Pastor Micheal Todd from Transformation Church was preaching a series called “Crazy Faith” where he challenged all who listened to take those leaps that were set before us. I remember thinking to myself that when I finished my book, I should type up a note to each of them and send them a copy of my book as a thank you for being used by God to inspire an important part of my journey. I remember now that I quickly dismissed it.

They probably wouldn’t even bother to read the note.

Some member of their staff would see it and toss it aside.

Justin, you’re small potatoes. Why would they even care about you?

Dude, your own social media following won’t like posts about your book. Why would two famous Pastors??

I listened to those voices. Silly me. I can’t help but think that this idea coming around again is God testing my faith. It’s not that I am looking for them to send me a big “You’re Welcome” note. I’m not hoping to become their book of the month and talk about my book to their parishioners. Now, if they actually chose to do that, I would be eternally thankful, but my motivations are not personal gain. I just want to thank them. So, whether they read the note or the book, I’m going to find good addresses for both of them and send them autographed copies of my book with a thank you note attached. Yes, it might be cheesy. yes, it might be corny.

But this is one idea that will NOT stay stuck in my head.

What is an idea that you have kept stuck in your head? What might your life look like if you moved it’s location? Let me hear from you in the comments. I’m curious to see what you have to say!

Oh, I’ll let you know what happens!

Until next time, be blessed, fam!

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